
In over 50 years and 850 successfully delivered automation projects, we have refined our selection of products and services, in order to create optimal state-of-the-art warehousing solutions for our customers..


The activity of online retailers has increased significantly over the past
few years, thus signalizing a need for a more efficient order fulfillment. Running an e-commerce warehouse has very specific requirements,
in order to properly manage challenges like next-day-delivery or returns.

This hyper-dynamic market needs highly efficient warehouse solutions.
In most cases this includes a manual area for pallets and boxes and
an automated area, designed for piece-picking.

More about E-commerce


AutoStore can be installed directly above or next to the production line. The system ensures that the components required for the final assembly are delivered to the assembly lines just in sequence, thus making the production process faster, safer and more efficient.

More about Production

Cold Stores

In order to store production buffers in food and pharma, cold store warehouses are essential. Running a cold store warehouse is challenging, both for employees, as well as for equipment and machines. Depending on your storage needs, type of goods, available space and all other requirements we design a unique solution.

More about Cold Stores

Contact us

Let’s talk about your warehouse automation!
Our team of specialists can offer you full support from planning to operational use.


Reesink Logistic Solutions

Division reception desk

+31 (0) 850 010 020
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