Supplying production with AutoStore
Cms electronics GmbH
Type of product:
One-stop shopping for high-quality electronics: development, material purchasing, the assembly of printed circuit boards, automation and reliable test procedures. The range of services offered by cms electronics is as diverse as the industries that the specialist manufacturer supplies with its products. Medicine, energy, industry and automotive are among the fields of activity of the precision electronics specialists. The manufacturer stores the components and individual parts for this broad portfolio at its site in Klagenfurt in an AutoStore facility, which was implemented by a team led by Markus Grabner, Senior Sales Manager at Reesink Logistic Solutions (RLS) Austria.
Electronic components for the most demanding applications are manufactured by cms electronics at its headquarters in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee. The supplier assembles printed circuit boards using modern processes such as pressure assembly/through-hole technology (THT) and by applying electronic components known as surface-mounted devices (SMD). The company requires a large assortment of tiny resistors, capacitors and integrated circuits for production supply. The manufacturer keeps around 4,000 items, packed in a good 34,000 units, permanently in its warehouse. This high demand for parts has been achieved by cms electronics with double-digit growth rates over several years.
As a result, the previous production site also became too small for the company’s development. At its new location in Klagenfurt, the specialist supplier has therefore attached great importance to a high growth reserve and has doubled its production area to now around 4,400 square meters. If required, it can almost double the storage capacity of its AutoStore warehouse, which currently has 2,000 containers in use. At the same time, 800 additional containers can be added with little effort. In any case, the AutoStore concept allows extremely high material density in a small space. […]
“In this configuration, the automatic small parts warehouse from cms electronics is one of the smallest existing AutoStore systems ever built”
reports Markus Grabner
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