Elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr

Die Aktivität von Online-Händlern hat in den letzten Jahren erheblich zugenommen, was einen Bedarf an einer effizienteren Auftragsabwicklung signalisiert. Der Betrieb eines E-Commerce-Lagers stellt ganz besondere Anforderungen, um Herausforderungen wie die Lieferung am nächsten Tag oder Rücksendungen zu bewältigen.

Optimierung des Lagers

Skalierbarkeit und Modularität

Die Aktivität von Online-Händlern hat in den letzten Jahren erheblich zugenommen, was einen Bedarf an einer effizienteren Auftragsabwicklung signalisiert.

Der Betrieb eines E-Commerce-Lagers stellt ganz besondere Anforderungen, um Herausforderungen wie die Lieferung am nächsten Tag oder Rücksendungen zu bewältigen.

This hyper-dynamic market requires highly efficient warehouse solutions. In most cases, this includes a manual area for pallets and boxes and an automated area, designed for piece-picking.

For newly planned warehouses, a highly automated solution is the cleverest approach, making the material flow and the workspace safer, but also significantly increasing throughput. In this case, replacing the manual area with a shuttle system for boxes or for pallets and connecting it via our conveyor systems to an AutoStore installation for the piece-picking area insures an optimal performance of the ensemble. Portal packaging robots or the Nomagic pick-robot, can also be added. Optimizing the user interface of the system with our Logics UI for the human-operated stations can further increase pick-performance by up to 90% (compared to a traditional manual picking-process). Not to mention that both AutoStore, and the picking robots can work around the clock, thus covering several shifts and buffering the weekend days.

The situation is a bit different when we are looking at an already existing warehouse and its predetermined conditions. Adding an AutoStore system has become almost a “must” for any e-commerce business, but that is gladly something that can be easily adapted to any preexisting warehouse, because of the immense flexibility that this system offers. However, adding shuttles and cobots might weight too heavy on the ROI in some cases. A numerous and experienced working team can provide good throughput in the manual- and order-consolidation areas. Furthermore, thanks to our Logics UI, the human workers can easily and error-free commission directly at the ergonomic AutoStore workstations. This hybrid solution has been in high-demand in our activity in the past few years and is a natural step forward.

Elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr

We strongly believe that full-automation is the key to a future-proof warehouse, but our main goal remains that of supporting our customers in optimizing their logistics in a sustainable and efficient manner. So, every solution that we offer is the result of thorough analysis and tailor made planning, designed to address the highly individual challenges of each business.

AutoStore ist ein sehr spannender Würfel. Damit konnten wir im Vergleich zu anderen automatisierten Lagerlösungen eine Kosten- und Prozesseffizienz von 50 % erzielen.

Olaf Koch, Leiter Logistik – Tennis Point

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